Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun, Meet… U.S. Senator Mike Braun

INDIANAPOLIS (Feb. 15, 2024) – In response to U.S. Senator Mike Braun finally releasing a public safety plan, the Chambers for Indiana campaign today released the following statement on his past positions and statements that contradict much of it:

“U.S. Senator Mike Braun’s decision to finally release a public safety plan is a welcome development, but reeks of the worst of Washington, D.C.,” stated senior strategist Marty Obst. “As you can read yourself, the plan is contradicted by his own words and actions, proving he’s no outsider, just another career politician who has betrayed us.”

Just a Few Examples of Mike Braun’s Hypocrisy

Example No. 1

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “I will defend and protect qualified immunity for law enforcement officers in Indiana.”

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Introduces a bill that states, “it shall not be a defense or immunity to any such action that (1) the defendant was acting in good faith or believed that his or her conduct was lawful at the time it was committed; (2) the rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution or laws were not clearly established at the time of their deprivation; or (3) the state of the law was such that the defendant could not reasonably have been expected to know whether his or her conduct was lawful.” In other words, introduces a bill to eliminate qualified immunity.

Also U.S. Senator Mike Braun: See below.

Example No. 2

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “Indiana’s law enforcement officers stand on the front lines of public safety, yet they often face challenges that undermine their ability to protect and serve.”

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Goes on a National Journal Radio podcast and says the Black Lives Matter movement is “100% justified” and even went as far saying he “probably would” join a Black Lives Matter march, if asked.

Example No. 3

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “Mike Braun will ensure that law enforcement professionals across the state receive the support, respect, and resources they deserve.”

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Goes on Tucker Carlson Tonight and attempts to explain his endorsement of the Black Lives Matter movement, which Carlson noted, has “of course, called for the murder of police officers.”

Example No. 4

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “The chaos at our borders, with drugs flooding in and gangs gaining footholds, directly threatens the safety of our communities.”

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Spends over 1,800 days in the U.S. Senate, which is charged with crafting federal immigration policy, without making any progress on the issue. Even admits he’s playing politics on the issue saying, “Why would we do a deal that is going to be helping [the president]?”

Example No. 5

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “My administration is committed to ensuring that our officers have the resources and backing they need to perform their duties without being second-guessed or undermined by politicians and the media.” (emphasis added)

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Goes on Tucker Carlson Tonight and second-guesses the actions of police officers that were later found by a special prosecutor to be reasonable and carried out without criminal intent.

Example No. 6

Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Braun: “Nothing is more important than the safety of Hoosiers.”

U.S. Senator Mike Braun: Waits 441 days after entering the Indiana gubernatorial race and over 1,800 days as a U.S. Senator to finally release a plan for public safety.



Unlike U.S. Senator Mike Braun, Brad Chambers truly believes in the need to support those who protect and serve our communities. That’s why he released his public safety plan — the Protect and Serve plan — three months ago, which details exactly how he would do just that. You can read it here.