Axios Indianapolis: Meet Brad Chambers, gubernatorial candidate

By Arika Herron
Axios Indianapolis

As Hoosiers cast ballots in the gubernatorial primaries between now and May 7, Axios asked candidates in the crowded GOP field about their views on top policy issues, Indianapolis and how they’d run the state.

Who’s up: Brad Chambers, former commerce secretary and CEO of the Indiana Economic Development Corp., founded real estate giant Buckingham Cos.

🌱 Should Indiana legalize marijuana for recreational or medicinal purposes?

Yes, for medicinal purposes. Law enforcement needs to be involved in any discussion regarding recreational marijuana.

💰 Do you think Indiana’s road funding formula is fair?

I believe it will take an outsider with fresh objective eyes to reevaluate the system and make improvements that will address needs in a fair, data-driven manner.

🧐 Is the IEDC transparent enough?

Some confidentiality is required with companies during the sensitive deal-making process, but all contracts can be viewed in the transparency portal, and we should always aim to be as transparent as possible.

⚖️ The state legislature has waded into a lot of local issues recently. Are you comfortable with the balance between local control and state intervention in local decisions?

I believe we should err on the side of local control but there are issues where consistency across the state is important, and in limited cases issues where broader impacts on the state or region preempt local control.

🛣️ Would you support a state takeover of Washington and Meridian streets?

Any decision like this should be considered in collaboration with the city of Indianapolis.

🎒 Is school choice working for Indianapolis kids and families?

Outcomes vary among all schools, and I believe it’s critically important for parents and students to have ample choices where to receive the education best suited for them. Options also help to individualize education to meet the pace and focus of students.

👪 Should FSSA maintain the attendant care program, or are changes to reduce costs necessary?

A $1 billion forecasting error is unacceptable, and we need to ensure the fiscal stability of Medicaid in Indiana. There are responsible system improvements that need to be made post-COVID, but it must be done in a manner that causes the least amount of burden on Hoosiers in need and their families who care for them.

📈 What’s one state agency that would function better at the end of your four-year term?

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.